Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Gerson Therapy

It never seizes to amaze me what knowledge is out there. Today I spent the whole day learning about the Gerson Therapy, named after Max Gerson a German physician (1881–1959). He suffered from terrible migraine headaches through his early 20s and through dietary self-testing found a cure. To his astonishment he found that this dietary treatment also cured other illnesses, including many forms of cancer, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure etc.

I just watched close to 30 personal accounts of people who had been cured of cancer and other chronic, degenerative diseases, that the general authoritative medical industry had no cures for.

The Gerson Therapy is simple. Eat healthy organic produce as part of an all vegetarian diet. Cut out toxins and preservatives. Drink lots of juices (one every hour of the day) and take coffee enemas. That's it. What a wonderful, powerful cure straight from mother nature. (Be advised to seek professional help with this treatment from an authorized Gerson center though! )

All these people's testimonials have one thing in common, they were offered no solutions from the authoritative medical world other than pills, operations and chemotherapy, all of which offers no cure to cancer. It is unbelievable and sad that the ruling medical authorities do not acknowledge real holistic results. After all the health industry should be as much about promoting a healthy lifestyle and preventing illness as treating illnesses.

The Gerson Therapy is not recognized by the ruling medical world. In fact it is illegal in America according to wikipedia. That is why the Gerson Institute and treatment center is based in Mexico.

What does bureaucratic evidence matter when you have real people telling real stories of full recovery?  And doctors have the before and after documentation, but still do not want to know about the treatment?

Is there some oath you take when you become a doctor to only support the corporate world and their medical products?

There is something fundamentally wrong with the way our world has developed. Profit and million dollar industries dictate the status quo. What happened to the people's best interests?

We need a total reformation of the medical practices. Lets say no to treating symptoms, i.e. numbing the pain. We want holistic treatments that look at us as a whole. Our bodies are complete bio-dynamic systems and the Earth and all the food that comes from it has an immediate effect our health.

If you pollute the air, the soil, the sea, the food we eat and the water we drink with deadly toxins of course we are going to get ill. Of course thousands of species and animals are dying everyday, including humans. We are part of the whole biosphere. We are part of nature, although we like to think ourselves above it.

Lets stand together and tell our governments and the corporations we do not want to eat food that is pumped full of toxins, additives and preservatives. We want organically grown vegetables that has all of the natural vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are good for us and keeps us healthy, provides well-being and longevity. Not just for us, but for the wildlife and planet too.

You can read more about the Gerson Therapy and the remarkable work of Charlotte Gerson, Max Gerson's daughter, who founded the Gerson Institute and work tirelessly to share information about the therapy and treat people at the Gerson center.

Below is a 6-hour talk by Charlotte Gerson about the Gerson Therapy. It is very informative although a long watch.

There is also a great more recent documentary film, called The Beautiful Truth available on YouTube.

 Enjoy - Eat Organic Food and be Well...

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