Monday, June 6, 2011

Terence McKenna Interview

I am so happy to have come across this astonishing interview with Terence McKenna from October 1998, where he describes his Novelty Theory to director John Hazard. In the most comprehensible way describes his theory of why time seems to be accelerating, the Chinese I-Ching and its connection to our DNA like the blowing of wind.. to hyper-complexification, connectedness of all information, Archaic figures and their revival, the end of time (or our world as we know it) over to Shamanism, psychedelic substances and so forth. His views are radical but none the less presented in a factual convincing and believable way. 

This interview is over an hour long, and gives you enough information for a years reflection, nevertheless it doesn't seem long enough to answer all the questions it raises. Sadly Terence McKenna is not around anymore. He died in 2000 of a brain tumor and this interview seems to have been one of his lasts. My sentiment is one of gratitude for his research, curious nature and accomplishments in his life on Earth. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


It is indeed a sad and scary prospect that the planet is being sprayed with toxic substances and heavy metals like aluminum polluting the air, the water, nature and animals. Not to mention making us all ill!!

They called it Geo-Engineering to reduce Global Warming, but really it is a big cover-up to slowly reduce the population, gain more control, more power and ultimately to control all agriculture...

One question keeps forming on my tongue... WHY?
In who's interest is it to destroy our planet and the environment?
Can whoever is doing this really sit back and relax after they've ruined the earth and soil, seas and ecosystem and then enjoy themselves and their money and power..? Seems just utterly stupid and insane.

Watch the documentary What in the world are they spraying?  

Next question that is forming on my tongue.. What can we do?
Spread the word. React - look up into the sky - ask questions - have meetings - demonstrate - make petitions and most importantly keep strong, healthy and alert.

Together we can move this ship around and free ourselves from the stronghold of these oppressors.

Pay homage to nature. Learn to live from the heart. It is where our future lies.
And keep growing organic crops.